Monday, August 26, 2013

Nothing Truly Prepares You for Adulthood

It doesn't matter if you were raised by two parents, one parent, grandparents, or if you grew up in poverty or wealth, nothing truly prepares you for adulthood.  Nothing really gives you the answers to the hard questions or solutions for the difficult situations you have to deal with as an adult.  Eventually you realize everyone, no matter what their age, is still learning how to handle life.  About 6 years ago I thought I had it all figured out. I had two sweet boys, two loving dogs, and the best husband in the world. We were the perfect little family and being a mom was so easy! Now....well I've realized that I don't have anything figured out.  Now I have twice as many kids, we've added another dog to the mix, and our loving dogs are slowly making their exit from life.  I'm dealing with a child with high intelligence but speech issues, a child who is getting bullied at school, and our dog who can't use his back legs as he approaches the end of his life.  Guiding my kids through all this leaves me emotionally and physically drained. My kids have more questions than I can answer yet in their eyes I'm supposed to know everything.  Parenting is hard! I know that is so over said, but oh how true it is.  As a mom I'm constantly questioning myself, wondering if I'm screwing them up, and hoping they will learn the right lessons from me.

All I know is I will continue to parent out of love, and teach my kids to love above all else even when it seems like the world doesn't love them back.

~Peace, Love & Equality for all


  1. Oh no! Its not because of the pink lunch box, is it?!

    1. Sadly, it is :( Kids can be so mean. Luckily we have some great teachers that are handling it it the best way possible, and my son is not letting it stop him from being who he is!

  2. Ugh! Tell him he has supporters in woodstock and good job for not letting them get him down! Keep up the great parenting!! And thanks for sharing your right nothing perpares us but being connected with others on the same journey sure helps!
